This report presents several historical notes about the technological revolution accomplished by mankind all along its development, in order to reach higher efficiency in the excavation of rocks and grounds in order to build tunnels.
The great technological impulse begins in the Industrial Revolution (18th and 19th centuries).
The first Brunei circular shield appears in 1818. During the 1860s we come across an important development in slurry and earth pressure shields in Japan (IHI, Mitsubishi and also European manufacturers such as Wayss Freetag, Herrenknecht).
At the beginning of the 21’1 century the use of the pressure shields is widely developed.
«Tunnel Mechanical Excavation in Soft Ground and lts Historical Evolution»
AITES ITA 2001 World Túnel Congreso. Volume 11 Session 2-3. Milano, June 10-13, 2001
Laureano Cornejo Álvarez